"The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows." -Audrey Hepburn

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28 Day Challenge Day 1

I was looking for a workout program, but wasn't really looking. I have fibromyalgia which is a neurological disorder that in a very brief description causes me unnecessary mild to excrutiating pain and fatigue. Working out in the past has made some of the symptoms worse and eventually I kind of came to terms with the fact that I would never be fit the way I was a few years ago.

Then I gained 10 lbs. 113 lbs is not all that great on a 4'10 little lady. Acceptable in my BMI range, but it's an untoned 113 lbs. I remember the days when I was 103, flat and firm belly! Okay, so my flat tummy days were in high school even though I was 103 lbs a few months ago, but it's nice to remember it as being yesterday. Now it looks like I'm due in 6 months... and no, I'm not pregnant. I don't want to feel like I have to suck my belly in all the time. It should just know who's boss (me), stay in place, and be flat all on its own. Sadly, life doesn't work that way. Cue the boo hoos. With the great news that I gained 10 lbs I realized I would need to try to workout even with the fibromyalgia and make adjustments as needed.

So when I saw YouTube blogger Chescaleigh post videos about this workout plan called the 28 Day Challenge on her vlog channel I was intrigued. She was training with Robert Brace, creator of NYLean25 and 28 Day Challenge to transform her body into a lean and strong one! She was determined to get the three A's: arms, abs, and ass. Duh, she got them... she's working one on one with this guy. During one of her videos she talked about doing his videos when she was unable to meet with Robert and that she found them to be really challenging! I thought... hey, there's a chance with the dvd set that I can get impressive results... ya know, if I can actually get through them ... with prayer... or excessive cursing at my television.

Here's Chescaleigh's awesome results by the way. Yep, I'm jealous.

Anyway, I ordered the dvds last Monday and got them on Thursday. I started the program today. You get 4 dvds and you do them in this order during the week:
  1. Chest, Shoulders, and Legs
  2. Triceps and Back
  3. Chest, Triceps, and Biceps
  4. Back, Shoulders, and Legs

There's also a booklet for a meal program with recipes included to maximize your results, a workout schedule, and a little calendar to write down your weight. I also got a little nylon bag, but I'm not sure if that was the free goodie for using the Chescaleigh code.

Each dvd has an abdominal section at the beginning, so no need to worry - that midsection will be taken care of. At the end of the dvd right before the cool down section is the dreaded 4 minutes of interval training. That's your cardio and it will kick your ass. The first dvd there is only one set of intervals, but as the dvds go on I'm assuming there will be more... so those 4 minutes will turn into 8... or more. :( I'll letcha know if I'm right about that.

The meal plan is simple, lots of protein with a side serving of veggies. Little to no carbs. Though there are days you don't work out, it seems that there are no cheat days when it comes to eating. I actually have to limit my carb and sweets anyway as per doctors orders (not anything related to weight loss, just for other reasons)... so I guess it won't be impossible to follow this diet.

Today's exercise was challenging, but not unbearable. I really like Robert Brace, he's not annoying like a lot of other dvd fitness instructors *ahem* Billy Blanks. He's down to earth, real, and encourages you to do the best you can. I think the reason why I got through the dvd is because I want to be his friend, not punch him in the face.

All in all, first good day. I'll be writing more about this soon and will probably make a video addressing this too.

xoxo, Nia


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